Saturday 30 April 2011

Persecution (Stage 5)

Christian meets up with his former fellow townsman Faithful, who fled the City of Destruction shortly after Christian left. Faithful says that Christian’s old acquaintance Pliable returned to town and was mocked for the dirt on his clothing from the Slough of Despond.

Faithful reports that he declined the offer, knowing it would be slavery. Even though he rejected Adam, Moses appeared to strike down Faithful in punishment, Christian concludes, for secretly being attracted by Adam’s offer. Faithful reports that shame tried to turn him from his holy path, attacking religion as unmanly. Christian congratulates Faithful on his fortitude and then tells him of his own adventures.
Another townsman named Talkative joins the two. Faithful is initially impressed by Talkative’s devoutness, since Talkative likes discussing religious topics. Rejoining Talkative, Christian asks him to explain the difference between speaking out against sin and despised it. Annoyed, Talkative leaves them.
Emerging from the wilderness, Evangelist meets Christian and Faithful and congratulates them on overcoming their obstacles. At Vanity Fair, Faithful and Christian are mocked, smeared with dirt, and thrown in a cage. Faithful tries to speak in his own defence but is burned at the stake and carried off to heaven. Christian is remanded to prison but escapes later.

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